شنبه 17 سنبله 1403 برابر با Friday, 6 September , 2024
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Report No. 10, Law Department

The law department of the University, held a practical training session with the presence and presentation of Biometric Commander of Criminal Department of Ghazni Province Police Commander, of criminalistic subject for law students.

This training session was held in order to train students with the process of crime detection, pursuing criminals, examining crime scenes and using modern technology in crime detection and finding criminals.

Mr. Vodoud, who is a professional educated officer in the field of criminology and has sufficient experiences in criminal department of police commander of Ghazni province, explained in detail the methods of crime detection, necessary mesures of police officer, security and criminal police, other responsible officials to detect crime, finding the culprit, especially at the crime scene for the students. In this session, in addition of training the above-mentioned matters, students were taught how to use biometric devices in crime detection and criminal identification.

The Law Department of the University is determined to provide practical legal training for law students in the field of education and research by signing long-term cooperation contracts with police department of Ghazni province.

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