شنبه 6 اسد 1403 برابر با Saturday, 27 July , 2024

University Achievements

  • The second top private university among Afghanistan’s universities in 2013;
  • The Faculty of Medicine ranked among the top five medical faculties in the country according to government evaluations in 2018;
  • More than a thousand graduates were produced and dedicated to the country’s scientific community;
  • The first private university in Ghazni province;
  • More than 50 professors with master’s and doctoral degrees;
  • Establishment of a medical clinic;
  • Activation of an online library;
  • Activation of the SIB university system;
  • Launching the Quick Book system for administrative and financial management;
  • More than 70% of the university’s graduates employed in government and private sectors;
  • Employment of some medical graduates as lecturers at various universities;
  • Organizing scientific seminars according to citizens’ needs;
  • Some university graduates fulfilling administrative and health-related positions in various health service providers such as AADA, BDN, ORCD, public health, etc.;
  • Signing a cooperation agreement with the specialized teaching hospital of Birjand in the Islamic Republic of Iran and sending students for internships since 2017;
  • Publication of international articles with ISI scientific ranking;
  • Continuous publication of the scientific-research journal Andisheh Khatam;
  • Continuous publication of student journals Payam -e- Khatam;
  • Publication of Khatam magazine;
  • Scientific-specialized publication of law and political science journal;
  • Scientific-specialized publication of economics journal;
  • Scientific-specialized publication of medical sciences journal.