شنبه 1 ثور 1403 برابر با Saturday, 20 April , 2024

Structurally, this directorate is defined as a direct subdivision of the Dean of the University, and is responsible for coordinating and supporting cultural programs of the university. By establishing a suitable and vibrant cultural and scientific environment, the Directorate  tries to make the university one of the most active cultural centers in the country to empower the students develop their talents according to religious and national values and to prepare them to perform their responsibilities in various aspects of social life successfully. 

Zakaria Muhammadi


  • Bachelor of Law and Political Science from Khatam Al-Nabiin University, Ghazni Branch
  • Fluent in Dari, Pashto and English


  • Name and Surname: Mohammed Zakaria;
  • Father Name: Mohammed Is-haq;
  • Date and Place of Birth: Ghazni province, Jeghatoo District, 1996;

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor Degree in Law and Political Science for Khatam al-Nabiin University;
  • Fluent and Dari, English and Pashto Languages;

Executive Activities:

  • Graphic Designer at Khatam al-Nabiin, Ghazni Branch;
  • Syllabus Director of law, political science and economics faculties, Ghazni Branch;
  • Cultural Director of Khatam al-Nabiin, Ghazni Branch;
  • Generally, the main policy of Khatam Al-Nabiin University, is to educate and train a generation who is specialized and committed in both religious and national values. Satisfying the policy, administration of cultural-educational directorate has an important role and mission in the university. Structurally, this directorate is defined as a direct subdivision of the Dean of the University, and is responsible for coordinating and supporting cultural programs of the university. By establishing a suitable and vibrant cultural and scientific environment, the Directorate  tries to make the university one of the most active cultural centers in the country to empower the students develop their talents according to religious and national values and to prepare them to perform their responsibilities in various aspects of social life successfully. Establishing student associations with their cooperation, monitoring their activities, and setting up suitable relation and cooperating with cultural, artistic and social centers and institutions of the country is one of the main duty of the Directorate and some efforts has been performed in this regard.

  • Educating and training the Students comprehensively in various scientific, moral, social and cultural dimensions according to unique Islamic culture;
  • Promoting spiritual and cultural vision of the students and developing national and Islamic values;
  • Strengthening national, religious, academic dignity and social solidarity among students, faculty Lecturers and staff;
  • Promoting social responsibility and professional ethics among academics;
  • Supporting students’ cultural and artistic productions;
  • Supporting and supervising activities of students’ scientific associations;
  • Empowering students in various fields to prepare them for future social life and career;
  • Developing and strengthening Students’ self-reliance and self-confidence;
  • Expanding and deepening religious knowledge and moral principles of academics;
  • Expanding and strengthening Islamic ethics;
  • Strengthening the feelings and environment of vitality, freshness and hope for the future in the university;
  • Introducing cultural heritage and country honors to the academics.
  • Encouraging the students to participate in cultural and social affairs competition;
  • Identifying talented and volunteer students to participate them in strengthening and developing the cultural and spiritual environment of the university;
  • Orienting students to genuine values ​​and beliefs;
  • Identifying and training the talented capable students in the fields of writing, poetry, literature and art;
  • Providing grounds for the flourishing of students’ scientific and artistic talents and abilities;
  • Creating and supervising the performs of the student association;
  • Holding university cultural meetings;
  • Managing the university website and social pages (Facebook, Telegram, etc.);
  • Arranging and releasing student publications;
  • Holding counseling units for students;
  • Celebrating national, historical and religious events;
  • Setting up scientific-cultural camps for students.
  • Publication of Payam Khatam student magazine (15 issues of this magazine have been published so far);
  • Publication of Khatam’s occasional magazine (4 issues of this magazine have been published so far);
  • Activation of the University Student Association and increasing the level of student participation in university programs;
  • Holding about 20 cultural and special events each year;
  • Holding several book fairs to promote the culture of study and reading books;
  • Holding several sports competitions (volleyball, football and Table Tennis);
  • Preparation of university catalog in three languages ​​(Dari, Pashto and English);
  • Holding several courses of book reading competitions in cooperation with the faculties;
  • Holding several scientific seminars in collaboration with the Student Association, the Scientific Research Directorate and the faculties.

Phone: 0093797100156

Email: zakariamohammady98gmail.com