شنبه 6 اسد 1403 برابر با Friday, 26 July , 2024

Therapeutic medical science is an applied science which’s aims is to maintain and improve human and non-human health, cure diseases and rehabilitate the injured. We can achieve the mentioned aim by recognizing diseases, diagnosing, treating and preventing their occurrence. Medical Science contains on a wide range of majorities. Today, the goal of medical science is to use knowledge-based technologies and deductive reasoning to arrive at solutions to clinical problems.

Head of the faculty

Hameedullah Mahdizada MD
  • M.A. in medical from Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University (with high degrees), Ghazni, 2017;

Personal info:

Name and surname: Hameedullah Mahdizada;

Date of birth: 1990;

Place of birth: Ghazni;


12th grade graduated (as 1st positioner) from Shams-ul-Arefeen Lycée, Ghazni, 2010;

Entered Kabul University in Geology 2011, studied only one year;

M.A. in medical from Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University (with high degrees), Kabul, 2017;

Work experience

Logistic Officer, Loin Construction Company (LCC), 2009;

Admin/finance Officer, Future Generation of Afghanistan (FGA), 2011;

HMIS Officer, AADA, 2016;

Project Senior Officer, AADA, 2017;

Project Coordinator, AADA, 2018;

Lecturer and Clinical Training Officer, Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, 2018;

Head of Quality Assurance, Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, 2019;

Supervisor Deputy of Medical Faculty, Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, 2020;

Head of Medical Faculty, Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, since November 2021;


  • BLS (Basic Live Support);
  • GBV (Gender Based Violence);
  • PSS (Psycho-social Counseling);
  • Eye Care;
  • HMIS;
  • EPI;
  • Project Management.
  • New Teaching Methods, CARE.


  1. Representing the faculty regarding other faculties and institutes;
  2. Planning appropriate suggestions and programs to improve the educational and operational conditions of the faculty;
  3. Implementing legal standards and decisions of University’s Supreme Council, Education Council, Academic Council of Faculty and monitoring it to be executed in the best manner;
  4. Planning, managing and supervising educational, research and executive affairs of the faculty;
  5. Holding and managing the meetings of the faculty council and sending its approvals to the relevant authorities for implementation and legal procedures;
  6. Representing the faculty in various assemblies and councils;
  7. Monitoring students’ educational status and compliance with educational rules in the entire education process constantly (credit selection, attendance in classes, exams, monographs and graduation processes);
  8. Supervising the scientific and educational activities of the departments;
  9. Working constantly on improvement of educational level and trying to use the latest scientific teaching methods;
  10. Creating sincerely and cooperative environment among faculty members and trying to provide basis for students’ satisfaction as the main customers of the university;
  11. Developing the five-year plan of the faculty to be proposed in faculty council;
  12. Providing monthly report of academic staff and lecturers activities and educational programs;
  13. Designing, managing and holding scientific seminars approved by the relevant scientific council;
  14. Promoting and management of research affairs of the faculty;
  15. Conveying approvals and orders of superior authorities to departments;

Therapeutic medical science is an applied science which’s aims is to maintain and improve human and non-human health, cure diseases and rehabilitate the injured. We can achieve the mentioned aim by recognizing diseases, diagnosing, treating and preventing their occurrence. Medical Science contains on a wide range of majorities. Today, the goal of medical science is to use knowledge-based technologies and deductive reasoning to arrive at solutions to clinical problems.

In educational programs of medical faculty, the latest developments in the field of medical in foreign universities and the latest changes in this field has been observed, and the planner has tried to manage the Celebes resources and trainings according to the scientific and practical needs of our country. Students in this faculty will graduate with the degree of Medical Doctor (MD) after completing their courses and will receive a valid certificate approved by the university and the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan.

Download Strategic Plan

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The Faculty of Medical Science intends to be the pioneer in promotion of a healthy community through training effective human forces, providing standard health services and practical researches.


Training of committed and expert manpower, paving the ground for practical and fundamental academic researches, and provision of health services in accordance with global standards in order to contribute to the health of the community and the health needs of the country.


  • Adherence to the principles of medical ethics;
  • Qualification and competence;
  • Loyalty and good deeds;
  • Observing responsibility, accountability, empathy and honesty at work;
  • Continuous improvement of quality of scientific services based on accreditation standards.
  1. Electing the Head of faculty and Directorates of departments according to the Bill of university;
  2. Setting educational programs and distributing subjects;
  3. Evaluating faculty’s annual performance and reporting it to the authorities;
  4. Offering research project proposals to the University Research Council;
  5. Appointing a member of academic staff, responsible for quality assurance at faculty;
  6. Preparing the draft of annual educational program of the faculty to be consulted in faculty Education Council;
  7. Assessing educational and administrative problems and deficiencies of faculty for reporting to the relevant authority;
  8. Approving the short and long-term developing plan of the faculty;
  9. Approving and monitoring the implementation of operational plan;
  10. Examining, evaluating and revising the topics and curriculum of the faculty;
  11. Giving suggestions on solving educational and administrative problems of faculty;
  12. Deciding on the establishment of fields and levels of education and suggesting it to the relevant authorities;
  13. Introducing one of the lecturers as a member of master’s board in existence of the program;
  14. Approving and introducing one of the members as a member of the research council of the university;
  15. Arranging evaluation program of faculty lecturers in cooperation with the Directorate of Quality Improvement;
  16. Deciding on preparing individual plans of the lecturers, improving the teaching plan and related matters;
  17. Providing necessary facilities for students’ practical and local training programs in cooperation with responsible authorities;
  18. Evaluating academic work of the department and making decision regarding the improvement of department’s programes;
  19. Making decisions regarding adjusting structure and completing academic member of the university;
  20. Discussing about appointment, promotion, resignation and retirement of academic staff members and holding advisory meetings about;
  21. Making decision regarding the establishment of scientific relationships with similar scientific institutions;
  22. Other duties assigned to the academic council of the faculty according to the law.

Personal info:

Name and Surname: Amanullah Danishyar;

Father’s Name: Ghulam Abbas;

Date of birth: 1982;

Place of Birth: Sabz Darra (Zardak) Village, Malistan District, Ghazni Province;

Present Resident Address: Ghazni, Amir Mohammed Khan Qalla;


  1. 12th grade graduated from Abdul Ghafoor Sultani Lyee, Jaghouri, 2014;
  2. A. Degree in Pharm-D, Kabul University, 2019;

Work Experience:

  1. Lecturer at Khatam-ul-Nabiyin Institute of Health Sciences, Ghazni Branch;
  2. Lab Operator at FMIC Hospital, (for 6 months);
  3. Lab Operator at Central Laboratory of Food and Medical Control, (for 2 months);
  4. Blood Bank Operator, (for 2 months);
  5. Pharmacist at Imam Zaman Hospital, Kabul, (for 4 months);
  6. Administrative Director, Faculty of Therapeutic medical Sciences, Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, Ghazni Branch, Since July, 2020;

Contact Info:

Phone No(s).: +93(0)778587333; +93(0)795422352;

e-mail: [email protected];


  • Managing academic issues and coordinating with admission manager medical faculty regarding admission registration, credit selection of courses, supervising educational trends of faculty and declaring it to the relevant student;
  • Preparing curriculum at the beginning of each semester with cooperation of faculty head and declaring it to lecturers, students and Celebes Directorate to register in the system;
  • Signing contracts with contractual lecturers with coordination of Faculty Head, Vice Chancelor and Financial Administrative Deputy;
  • Managing and coordinating subjects and course credits of lecturers with cooperation of faculty Head and sending it to Vice Chancellor, financial administrative deputy and Lecturers’ Directorate;
  • Responding to faculty clients, receiving and following up their requests and complaints;
  • Collecting the policy course, weekly schedule and course operational plan of the lecturers for approval in the academic council meeting of the faculty and delivering the course policy to class representatives;
  • Receiving and Preparing monthly reports of faculty lecturers and sending it to the vice-chancellor;
  • Collecting the academic documents of faculty members and archiving them;
  • Planning mid-term and final exams in coordination with the exam committee;
  • Cooperating with exam committee in mid-term and final exams;
  • Attaining exam papers from the exam committee and submitting them to the relevant lecturer;
  • Collecting exam result lists from lecturers and registering them in the system.


  • Holding confidentiality of documents, scores, administration plans and accountability to superior officials;
  • Observance discipline and regulations of the university and regular presence at the faculty and performing duties on time;
  • Informing superior officials about news, educational events and student discipline;
  • Compliance with university rules and regulations in performing duties.

Personal info:

Name and surname: Mohammed Ismaeel Ahmandyar;

Father’s Name: Mohammed Ajan;

Date of birth: 1995;

Place of birth: Khawja Chasht Village, Deh Sabz District, Kabul Province;

Resident Address: Shaheed Hangra Square, 80 Meters Avenue, Airport Area, Kabul;


  1. 12th grade graduated from Sayed Al-Naseri Lycée, Kabul, 2014;
  2. A. in Medical Lab Technology (MLT), Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, Kabul, 2018;
  3. Student of Clinical Biochemistry at Medical Sciences and Health Services University of Turbat Haideriya, Iran, since 2020;

Work Experience:

  1. Lab Examiner, National Institute of Tuberculosis, Kabul, (1.5 year);
  2. Lab Examiner, City Laboratory, Kabul, (1 Year);
  3. Lab Examiner, Afghan-Japan Hospital, laboratory section, Kabul, (1.5 year);
  4. Working in management department of the Medical Sciences Research Center,Ghalib University Kabul;
  5. Member of the academic staff of Khatam al-Nabiyin, Ghazni branch and in charge of Medical Faculty laboratories and Research Committee of Faculty, Ghazni, Since April 2022;

Contact Info:

Phone No(s).: +93(0)786766449; and +93(0)794522912;

e-mail: [email protected];


  • Weekly regular inspection of laboratories;
  • Preparing list of required equipment for laboratories;
  • Checking the equipment of laboratories and ensuring they work precisely;
  • Reporting damage of equipment or necessary materials for daily use of laboratories on time to the superior officials;
  • Monitoring cleanliness of the laboratories;
  • Preparation attendance of professors, for practical work inside the laboratories;
  • Preparing monthly report of practical work in the laboratories to the superiors;
  • Preparing meetings record book in laboratory and keeping it safe;
  • Planning practical laboratories programs of faculty in detail, start and finishing time;
  • Inspecting the challenges and problems of laboratories practical work;
  • Applying specific plans to standardize faculty laboratories;
  • Launching student research in faculty laboratories;


  • Holding confidentiality of documents, scores, administration plans and accountability to superior officials;
  • Observance discipline and regulations of the university and regular presence at the faculty and performing duties on time;
  • Informing superior officials about news, educational events and student discipline;
  • Compliance with university rules and regulations in performing duties;

Personal information of director:

Name and surname: Aarifa Noori;

Father’s name: Mohammed Hassn;

Date of birth: 17th December 1996;

Place of birth: Jeghatoo District, Ghazni Province;


12th grade graduated from Turkan girls’ Lycee, Jeghatoo, 2013;

M.A in Midwifery, Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, Ghazni Branch, 2017;

English Language certificate, Behzan and Rahimiyan English Language Centers, 2018;

Computer Learning Certificate, Rahimiyan and Kardan Computer Center, 2021;

Word Experience:

Co-worker of Vice Chancellor, 2019-2021;

Celebes Directorate of medical sciences, since March 2021;

Bill of Duties

  1. Per-Semester course registration of students and registering Credits selected by them in the system;
  2. Planning and holding mid-term and final exams according to academic council of the faculty and the calendar approved by the education council;
  3. Controlling educational trend of students and declaring it to them;
  4. Sending educational report of students to the general directorate of student affairs;
  5. Setting up and organizing weekly course schedule according to the Head and Academic Council of the Faculty;
  6. Introducing any student taking single subject exam to the lecturer according to Note 3, Article 15 of the Education Regulations;
  7. Completion of student’s semester break form according to Article 37 of educational regulations with approval of general directorate of student affairs and relevant authorities;
  8. Performing all official trends concerning student’s monographs;
  9. Carrying out student’s university conversion affairs according to the rules of faculty;
  10. Implementation of weekly course schedule and coordination with the lecturers;
  11. In case of majority conversion of any student, Carrying out official works according to Article 6 of Education Regulations;
  12. implementing the curriculum according to articles 7-13 of educational system and the approved curriculum;
  13. Setting and managing students’ attendance in lectures and exams sessions according to articles 19 and 23 of educational regulations;
  14. Deletion and addition of any subject in credit system, according to Articles 24 and 25 of Education Regulations;
  15. Handling matters of the students who haven’t gained passing mark in exam of some subjects and are called conditional students; checking theses students’ conditions, according to Article 34, Education Regulations;
  16. Preparing student graduation report and sending it to the general directorate of student affairs;
  17. Compliance with university rules and regulations in performing duties;
  18. Accountability to higher authorities;

Contact Info:

Phone No.: +93(0)792366910; and +93(0)730003331;

e-mail: [email protected];

Phone: 0093730003331

Email: [email protected]