جمعه 5 اسد 1403 برابر با Thursday, 25 July , 2024
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In the history of Islam, there has never been a tragedy of such greatness that a paltry person like Yazid, corrupt and captive of the devil, leans on the position of the prophet who the Holy Qur’an is revealed to and who called for monotheism and justice. Such a mean person, rule over the destinies of Islamic Ummah.by the name of Prophet’s Caliph, successor of the most perfect human being, representative of the Quranic system and the executor of divine decrees. It is clear that the consequence of such disaster will be nothing but the formation of a society in which all teachings of Holy Qur’an and Prophet’s Sunna were destroyed and the decadences of the age of ignorance were to be revived in a new form and in the name of Islam.

It is at such a time of decline of values that Imam Hussain (a.s.) undertook the great mission of separating truth from falsehood and justice from injustice and by donating the blood of Himself and his unique Companions from Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) and by accepting the captivity of His Household, the Household of the Prophet (peace be upon them), he revealed the real, terrifying and demonic face of the revived ignorance to everyone. By creating such an enlightening and instructive historical movement, he created such an Ashura which is a guiding torch for all the history, became a model for all freedom and justice seekers, became a standard to distinguish between Truth from Untruth, became an opportunity to spread the sun of truth in all directions in all moments of history after Him.

Now, here we are and the opportunities created by Ashura and the heavy responsibility of preventing the society from becoming Yazidi; a responsibility that is impossible to act upon, without a proper understanding of the glorious saga of Ashura and a conscious explanation of its lofty goals of monotheism and anti-tyranny.

The University of Khatam-ul-Nabiyin, Ghazni Branch, offers its condolences to the mourners of Abu Abdullah al-Hussein (AS) and the eternal immortal of Ashura, And prays to God for all the mourners’ success in keeping alive and moving towards the goals of Imam Hussain’s (AS) revolution.

The Dean, Assistants, Lecturers, Employees and staffs of Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, Ghazni branch.

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