شنبه 6 اسد 1403 برابر با Saturday, 27 July , 2024
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Law Department of Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University, in order to improve practical-educational capability of law students, organized a simulated court program in cooperation with the Appeal Court of Ghazni Province on 7th December 2022 in court’s public meeting hall. This program was organized in order to acquaint law students with the process of judicial proceedings, performing the role of judicial panel, secretary, barrister, advocate, witness and etc. by participating in this program, students, in addition to learning the theoretical courses of law, can also learn performing judicial proceedings practically and get prepared for practical work in the professional departments of judicial institutions in the country.

In this program, which was held with the presence of a large number of law students of the University, Chairman of Ghazni Appeals Court, other judges of Appeals Court, Dean of the university, the lecturers and some other guests, the Chairman of Ghazni Appeals Court, Mr. Maulvi Mohiuddin Omari, as the evaluator of this program, expressed his appreciation for the accurate execution of simulated court by the law students of the University and added that students are the future human capitals and leaders of the country and they should make their best efforts to glorify in scientific aspects.

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