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Fourth report: honoring the best disciplinary and good manner students

Discipline and morality are the fundamental concepts in Islamic intellectual system and lifestyle, and it guarantees personal and social happiness and success in various fields of life. In numerous Islamic cases and sources, these concepts have been addressed and have been given full attention to and emphasis on, in such a way that approaching to Allah, prolonging life, social solidarity, prosperity of society, individual prosperity and dignity … are all dependent to them.

Based on this point of view and importance, honoring the best moral and disciplinary students is on of regular programs of the University and Institute of Khatam-ul-Nabiyin. In order to fulfill the goal of the university, i.e. expertise and commitment and to follow Allah’s commandments, the university recognizes and pays special attention not only to the best students by score, but also recognizes the disciplined and ethical students by honoring and supporting them, every year, too. What took place in the commemoration of International Student Day on 23rd November 2022, in which the best disciplinary and moral students of the University and Institute were awarded, was based on this view and policy.

To be continued …

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